Tokyo ESP — 04

  • Episode 4: Scene 04: The Rain, Ring, and Girl

Through various coincidences we met. And little by little, our courage bound our hearts together.

This episode both ends this small arc full of introductions and yakuza, and also sets up for a bigger conflict by revealing some information about some of our more mysterious characters and introducing us to the real antagonists. Continue reading

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun — 04

  • Episode 4: Fourth Issue: There Are Times When Men Must Fight

I love you more than those twelve girls, Tomoda!

While we aren’t introduced to any new characters this week, we do get a lot of hilarious moments between our main trio of Nozaki, Sakura, and Mikorin. It’s a simpler episode focusing on two main events which let us delve deep into how our characters, mostly Mikorin and Nozaki, view life experiences and handle social situations. Continue reading

Barakamon — 04

Right now I’m in total darkness, but I’ll definitely find the light, someday.

Learning from last episode’s defeats, Sensei tries to get himself back on track and take his time finding his style. Unfortunately, a broken computer and cellphone end up making his day way busier than he wanted, and he ends up taking a job he didn’t expect. Continue reading

Tokyo Ghoul — 04

  • Episode 4: “Supper

And so, we freely walk around the world of the story from the yarn spinner’s view.

The past couple of episodes have been doing a great job of showing us that not all ghouls are scary, violent hunters and that there’s a “human” side to them too (trying to live normally, attending school, liking books, having families, etc.). But even if humans and ghouls are shown to be not all that different, we shouldn’t forget that human morals and reasoning wouldn’t always apply to ghouls. And that’s what we witness in this fourth episode. Continue reading